ABOUT St Paul's
ABOUT St Paul's
ABOUT St Paul's
ABOUT St Paul's
ABOUT St Paul's

ABOUT St Paul's
What sort of church are we at St Paul’s?
Church Tradition
St Paul’s is a Church of England church and we embrace
an informal style of worship. We are situated in Great Baddow,
on the corner of Beehive Lane & Loftin Way.
Our church has strong links with the local community,
and we encourage people of all ages to come and worship
with us. Most importantly, we are a praying community; prayer
underpins all we seek to do and be at St Paul's. Do click here
to understand what we mean by prayer at St Paul's.
And please take a look around our website to learn more
about St Paul's, when we meet to worship, and what we do
during the week.
St Paul’s was a church plant from St Mary’s, Great Baddow.
Our building arrived on the back of a HGV sixty years ago,
and we've been worshiping, changing and growing ever since.

Friendly caring community
St Paul’s is made up of a variety of people of all ages
who are at different stages in their Christian faith.
Fun-loving worship
We love to have fun together, worshipping creatively
with a varied pattern of Sunday services to explore.
Families welcome
We value highly the inclusion of children and their families
in all that we do, both on Sunday and during the week.

The Great Baddow Team of Churches
St Paul's is part of the Great Baddow Team Ministry, along with St Mary’s and Meadgate Churches. We are three Church of England Churches 
grouped together to work across Great Baddow. 

You’ll receive a warm welcome to our Sunday services 
and we invite you along to our many activities and events 
throughout the week.

 We are here for you as your church family in Great Baddow,
and if you’d like to connect with us, our websites and social media pages are listed below, which all contain details of our 
Sunday services and other activities. God bless!





'Welcome' from Team Vicar, Rev Phil Sheldrake

Welcome to St Paul’s, Great Baddow. What a great place this is to live! I am - by birth - "Essex Boy " and proud of it. It’s good to get back to my roots, and having left Billericay aged 18, I returned to the Chelmsford area in March 2015, after a couple of decades away, to take up the post of Team Vicar at St Paul's. I work across all three of our Great Baddow churches: St Paul's, Meadgate and St Mary's.
And so, 'welcome' to you and to our website. We hope you’ll find all the information you need, but if not, just email or call me. When exploring a church, it's important to find out a little about who’s in charge and something about them, and so...
…if you’re interested in the family stuff:
I am married to the beautiful Abigail and a Dad to three amazing children. Great Baddow is a wonderful place to live as a family, and it's so good to be right on the doorstep of Chelmsford.
...if you’re interested in those ‘ministry credentials’:
I’ve worked since my mid-20s for a number of church and para-church ministries, before exploring the call towards becoming a Priest. I trained for Ordained Ministry between 2009-2011 at Trinity College, Bristol. Afterwards, I served my Curacy (“Trainee Vicar-ship”) at St Faith’s Church, Maidstone, whilst also completing post-graduate work with Canterbury Christchurch University.
...if you’d like to know what I get up to in my spare time:
I've always been a musician and enjoy playing acoustic, tenor and electric guitars and recording/studio work. I love music of every kind, and always try to take the opportunity to watch quality live music. When time allows, I enjoy exercise, watching comedy on tv, and am a mad keen armchair sports fanatic. Once a year I am totally in love with taking on and walking the Munro Mountains of Scotland.
Finally... and most importantly, I base my life on trying to follow the teachings of Jesus, and to communicate his love for everyone. And so I’m passionate about sharing Jesus, not dry religion. Come along and join us at St Paul’s - where we’d all love to meet you, and walk the Christian journey of discipleship together.