ABOUT St Paul's
ABOUT St Paul's
ABOUT St Paul's
ABOUT St Paul's
ABOUT St Paul's
ABOUT Prayer
Our Vision for Prayer at St Paul's Church, Great Baddow.
As a church community, we aim to have prayer underpin all we do.
Our vision is to deepen personal relationships with God, as we pray for others,
for our church, and for the world beyond our walls.
We believe that as Church, we exist to glorify God. We pray as an act of worship.
We play a part in seeing God's Kingdom come; in our lives, in our local area and in the world.
We pray for change, for peace and for God's will to be done.
We pray to reach out, to gather, to nurture and to disciple.
We pray for people to come to know Jesus, to feel loved, to belong and to grow in faith.
We pray to draw near to God's presence, to proclaim Him Lord of our lives.
We take time to say sorry and to forgive others.
We ask the Spirit to search us and change us, seeking to be transformed so we are more like Jesus.
We ask for things that we need, and for the needs of others.
We pray in different ways:
Loudly, quietly, silently
All together, in groups, alone
Inside or outside
Moving around or being still
Using words or actions, or none at all
When we celebrate, are happy, or thankful
When we are questioning, frightened, or feeling low
We pray for protection
We pray that the Holy Spirit is at work in us
We encourage one another to pray.
We desire those of all ages to learn new things about prayer.
We teach our children and young people to pray, and set them an example.
We aim to make our prayers inclusive and accessible for all.